by Merle Ann Loman | May 10, 2012 | Bitterroot, Freda, i Spring
Photos taken from Angler’s Roost to Main Street Bridge in Hamilton. The Darby USGS water flow gauge reported 1900 CFS on this day. Clarity was good, caddis hatches prolific but not many feeding trout. Gorgeous day, though.
Anglers Roost Montana
Anglers Roost is your one stop fly fishing information and tackle fly shop in Montana Updated … Located on the Bitterroot River south of Hamilton, MT.
by Merle Ann Loman | Mar 25, 2012 | Bitterroot, Freda, i Spring
One of the cutthroat I caught, yea! |
The temperature was warmer as promised by the weather man. It got to 66 degrees, lovely afternoon with some wind sometimes, no wind sometimes..just enough to keep you tuned in to your casting skills. Bugs, yes. That is all I will say. The fish were rising, we had so much fun. John Hickman, Jack, me and our Chesapeake Bay Retriever Freda. Happy day!
Here are some photos – see the slideshow below.
by Merle Ann Loman | Jan 19, 2012 | Bitterroot, Freda, iii Fall
Not much fishing going on here in January so I will go through some photos of Freda on the rivers. Here she is after getting out of the Koffler for a stretch. She needed to jump and run a little and what Chessie doesn’t like water! This was in November on the middle Bitterroot River. I will be publishing a few more of Freda, why not? She loves to go fishing, too.
“Wheeee, I am a Chessie” by amontanaview | RedBubble: