High Water at Victor Crossing

High Water at Victor Crossing

Victor is about the middle of the Bitterroot Valley. I am uploading a photo I took yesterday at Victor Crossing. It is big! and will probably stay that way for at least this week. Notice the debris in the water.
Today, the water at Darby (the upper Bitterroot) is smaller than yesterday. Jack is fishing the West Fork of the Bitterroot today. The water is fishing, but he is busy holding the boat and not able to take photos. It is hard work to row effectively in this water – holding the boat so clients can get the best drifts! I am hoping that clients will send us some photos I can post.
http://fwp.mt.gov/maps/fas/BitterrootFASGuideMap.pdf Link to map of Bitterroot Fishing Access Sites (FAS). Victor is between Bell and Tucker Crossing.
http://fwp.mt.gov/lands/site_280660.aspx Link to Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks information and photos for Tucker Crossing FAS – just upstream (south) from Victor.
http://fwp.mt.gov/lands/site_280651.aspx Link to MT FWP information and photos for Bell Crossing FAS – just downstream (north) from Victor.

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