West Fork of the Bitterroot with Jeff and Billy
This was the last day of Billy’s trip. He just sent me photos. They caught some hogs!! I mean big trout.
I just updated the slideshow below with photos from Jack’s camera.
This was the last day of Billy’s trip. He just sent me photos. They caught some hogs!! I mean big trout.
I just updated the slideshow below with photos from Jack’s camera.
Wapiti Waters has been following Nate Schweber for a while now on his New Heathens’ Blog and finally, Jack got to meet him.
Nate and Kristen fished with Jack on the Bitterroot on June 14. Nate is from Missoula but he and Kristen now live and work in New York City.
Kristen had never been to Montana until this trip with Nate! They had so much fun, I am surprised they survived all the activity.
See some of their photos here, the rest of the photos with all the stories are posted by Nate on his New Heathens’ Blog.
Jeff and Billy fished the Big Hole with Jack for a few days. Here are the photos that they sent me – taken with their camera. I have yet to see what is on Jack’s camera. I will post those as soon as he has the time to give it to me. He has been very busy with fishing clients.
6/22: I just updated the slideshow below with a few photos from Jack’s camera.
See the slideshow below.
Billy Burk is up from Colorado visiting his good friend Jeff. Jeff and Billy fished the Bitterroot yesterday with Jack. See the slideshow below. Tomorrow they will drive to the Big Hole, meet up with Jack (who is guiding there today) and fish another two days. They know how to have a good time. I hope they will be able to take more photos on the Big Hole. Check back to see…
Growing up in Illinois during the 1960’s, I developed a real passion for both small and large mouth bass fishing. Like many a mid-westerner, I did a fair amount of spin fishing during this time and had some success catching them. Fishing for these species with a fly rod was the next step in angling evolution. However, moving to Missoula in the early 70’s put this type of fishing on the backburner. Recently I am discovering more bass and pike fishing opportunities around Missoula, but that is another story.
Since my early mid-western fishing days, bass fishing has turned into a big business sport with innovative gear, high tech boats and very popular competitions. A good competitive bass fisherman uses a specialized boat and spinning gear (mostly) coupled with incredibly accurate casting and presentation skills. As a tournament angler, one also has to have knowledge of bass life histories, the impoundments he fishes and the endurance to keep fishing.
On my recent family visit to Missouri my sister’s friend, Randy Conlon, volunteered to take me out. He is a tournament bass angler who hasn’t given up his day job yet. He has the same attributes I’ve found in my favorite trout fishermen; a genuine love and appreciation of the environment where bass/trout are found and knowledge to predict bass/trout behavior. Did I mention he is super accurate with his casts? He was very handy with an arsenal of rods and lures used to fool his favorite game fish. I enjoyed his pleasant demeanor, excellent boat handling skills and caution while respecting his fellow anglers on the water.
The morning started with us on the water and fishing about 6:15 am. During the morning, each of us caught several smaller bass on top with poppers. Watching Randy handle these fish, I was impressed as he took out hooks and released fish as gently as any neurosurgeon client I have seen. Part of our success was due to our flies and poppers. I had purchased several effective patterns from Backcountry Outfitters Fly Shop in Springfield, MO. See some of them in the slideshow below. It was a good time visiting with Michael Kyle, the proprietor. He is a knowledgeable angler and has the only fly shop in the area that I know of.
To sum it all up, I’ve found that a fly rod trout fisherman and a competitive bass angler have more in common than one might think. Randy, thanks for a great morning of angling. I look forward to my next Missouri bass fishing experience. Yep, I am planning to do it again.
To view all fishing and tackle photos click here
Backcountry Outfitters click here for their webpage.
Michael and Kristina Kyle
2863 South Campbell
Springfield, MO 65807
contact them at (417) 889-6548
or michael@backcountryoutfitters.org.