Air temperatures were in the 70 degree range beginning about April 20. These photos were taken April 24. Look at the graphs and you can see how the rivers have been rising. The last two days the Bitterroot Valley air temperatures have been over 80 degrees. These photos were taken when Bell Crossing flows were at about 4,700 cubic feet per second (cfs) – 2 pm. Right now it is 6:30 pm and the flows at Bell Crossing are at 5,480 cfs. That is a big jump. The gauge downriver (north) near Missoula measured 8,190 cfs at 8:45 am and now at 6:30 pm it is measuring 9,280 cfs – closing in on 10,000 cfs!!!
The snowpack in the Bitterroot River Basin earlier this month was over 100%. Today it is 89%.
The photos are all taken from Bell Crossing starting upriver looking southwest and rotating counter-clockwise to the east, then south, finally southwest into the parking lot. As I was there, a LOT of large woody debris was moving down the river.
We have had a number of boats out during these first few weeks but are waiting for some of the photos to come in. Some days fished very well, some not as well. Skwalas were out some days, Mayflies on other days…you just have to get out and give it a go. Every day is a little different due to temperatures, weather, and flow levels (all interrelated). Here are a few teaser photos taken today.
Rachel has been fishing with Wapiti Waters since she was a little girl. We love it when she and her family are at their Bitterroot home. It is great to see them and share time on the river with them all. Thanks Rachel.
Doc is up again spending some time in his cabin on the river. He loves winding down, reading, exploring and of course fishing. And, he always get fish. Here he is with a nice trout on a day he fished with Jack.
Wearing wool and gloves, they still enjoyed the fishing
The last few days in the Bitterroot have been below 50 degrees. Cooler temperatures don’t do much for the bugs or hatches but if you are hardy enough, you still hook some trout. Thank Jim, John, Gary and Ric. Hope it is warmer in California. Jack and Nick really enjoyed fishing with you all.
It was a cold day on the Bitterroot for this sturdy group from San Diego. A dark day makes for dark photos but that was a nice trout Don caught. Day one of three days. More photos coming I hope.
Jack is holding Don’s trout before they released it.