by Merle Ann Loman | Nov 26, 2008 | hunting/fauna/flora

In early May, Jack was floating the Big Hole river with clients when he noticed this lone gosling had been following his boat for miles. At the end of the day he thought of it’s fate if he didn’t rescue it. He scooped it up in his net and brought it home. We put it under a light until it could survive being in the coop with out it. It stayed with us in our yard until mid August. One day I came home from work and he was gone. I have to believe he flew away with other geese as he should. Maybe one day Swisher will come back to our ponds with a mate and nest.
Here is a slide show of Swisher from May through mid-August. I hope you enjoy it.
If you click “View Album”, then “Slide Show” it will show in full screen mode. If the photos don’t quite focus, slow down the speed to 5 or 6 seconds per photo.
Note: I don’t know if Swisher was male or female. I just found myself calling Swisher “he.”
Canada Goose – Montana Field Guide
by Merle Ann Loman | Nov 24, 2008 | hunting/fauna/flora, iii Fall
Above is a photo of an elk herd (actually only part of the herd) that hangs on private land during hunting season. They are so much fun to watch as they move from field to field just on the edge of timber and Forest Service land.
We are still hunting for my whitetail doe and/or buck and of course for the elusive elk. It is fun, but we would love for it snow so their behavior was a bit more predictable and we could see tracks. It is our privilege to hunt in these beautiful mountains and be able to experience the wonderful sights and sounds as the sun rises and the day begins.
Here is a slide show of a few of our hunting photos. We did an eastern Montana antelope hunt in October. Jack went back in November and bagged a 4×4 whitetail buck. He didn’t get any photos on that trip. It was rainy and mucky.
If you click “View Album”, then “View Slide Show” and slow the photos down to 5 or 6 seconds – it should show in full screen mode.
by Merle Ann Loman | Jun 24, 2008 | hunting/fauna/flora, ii Summer
Wapiti is a Native American word for elk. We love elk and that is why we called the fishing business Wapiti Waters.
Because I work in our home office, I couldn’t go fishing today. But, I did take my usual fitness break and go hiking. Sweathouse Creek is very near our Chickadee Lane home (5 miles west of Victor, MT). I am lucky because there is access to many ridges with elk, deer, moose, turkeys, and lots of beautiful flora as well. Today I had the priviledge of seeing a small herd of elk, mostly cows with calves. My trusty chesapeake female saw them at her favorite watering hole and came running back to me. Just before she did, a cow that was bedded down caught my eye because she “twitched” her ears….here is a photo. Click on it to open it full screen.
Click the title above to see more. I had a little difficulty focusing while containing my dog and trying to stay calm myself. I hope you enjoy them. Get out, get fit and get to know your resident wildlife!

My faithful companion, Bela (the chesapeake) enjoying herself at the end of our hot hike!
by Merle Ann Loman | Jun 20, 2008 | Bitterroot, hunting/fauna/flora, ii Summer
The Bitterroot has come up again, but for the last few days it has been fishing. The water clarity is good. We are looking at warmer weather for the next few days and then a cool down. This is the time of year when the fishing status is day-to-day. It could be outstanding with all the water and the hatches, or it could be glaring and hot…not so good for fishing.
The Blackfoot has a hatch going on now, but the water is dirty. The Big Hole is starting to rise with the warmer weather.
Call us for updates. 800-254-5311.
This photo was taken off our deck a few days ago with a telephoto lense. Mom and fawn succesfully made it into the woods with out noticing me and my camera.
Another visitor, a wild gosling.

The goose is hanging around my chicken coop. The photo to the right is about a week later. If you click on it, you will get a bigger size and see more detail. The primary wing quills are a blue color. Interesting!