Tucker Crossing on the Bitterroot River It is March. The snow water equivalent and total precipitaition measurements for the Bitterroot (and much of Montana) are slightly below 100%. To the left is a photo taken March 2 at Tucker Crossing looking to the south. At that time, we were in a dry weather pattern. Teller Trailhead Sign
The next two photos are from the same day and taken at Woodside Crossing looking north. As a side note, there is a great trail provided by Teller Wildlife Refuge. It is well used for exercise and nature walks. Woodside Crossing on the Bitterroot River
Snow in Gash Creek in the Bitterroot Mountains west of Victor

The snowy photo was taken March 8th of Gash Creek in the Bitterroot Mountains west of Victor, MT while we were cross country skiing. We just had a few days of snow and cooler weather. It is wonderful to see more precipitation stored in the mountains for later run-off into our rivers and streams.

To see current snow/precipitation data and USGS current stream conditions for the rivers we fish, visit Wapiti Waters Local Stream Flow Links .


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